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Monday, November 12, 2007

Question #578

What are your plans for Thanksgiving and for Christmas this year? Going anywhere? Hosting any gatherings??


Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving: We normally invite friends over who have no "family" close by and have a potluck.

Christmas: Bought my mom a PLANE ticket last night( she wised up after the last visit when she insisted she take the bus) This year is tight $ wise with me not working full time so we are being creative with gifts and outings so I can't wait. We are discussing not having a traditional christmas starting next year. Meaning: we want to take the week and go on a family vacation instead of spending money on gifts and wrapping paper we would rather go somewhere together. Maybe Europe, Grand Canyon, Alaska. It cost the same as the gifts but seems like it would be a long lasting memory.

pampalmer7 said...

We are staying home this year. We were supposed to go to Panama City Beach, Florida for my extended family celebration, but school and work commitments got in the way, so we'll just keep it simple this time around. We're planning a big Disney World trip in the Spring, so that'll make up for it :)

Rant Master said...

Tday - going to Atlanta to see brothers & their families. Gone all week.
Xmas - who knows? Probably stay home

Anonymous said...

PEF's sister, brother-in-law, father, niece & nephew are all coming to Texas next week for Turkey day. For Christmas, we will be home with the wonder beagles.

cincin21 said...

WE are driving to Atlanta Georgia to spend Thanksgiving with Tom's Family .... and we have no big plans for Christmas yet. I know Robbie will be with his Dad on Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving: leave Tuesday to see parents. Need to find a restaurant that serves take out for 5, so the kids and I can eat with my dad in rehab hospital.

Christmas will be at home. Nothing fancy or elaborate, son will probably have to work. If it's good, will take the girl there to eat. Maybe a movie.

I have at least one party to attend and hope to give one evening at home.

Parents will be home recovering from almost a month in hospital for my dad and weeks in rehab for his back...I hope. Sibs do their own thing. Want to see my brother, but hesitate with sister.

Anonymous said...

Haven't a clue! With my kids always changing plans at the last minute, it's always a surprise! Usually, I fight to stay home Christmas morning. After that, we can go visiting or have people in. Thanksgiving is usually decided just a few days before so I'd better nail them down now!