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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Question #652

What sorts of beverages do you tend to drink during the course of a regular day? How much of each?


Anonymous said...

I have weened off of my Diet Dr. Pepper to 1 can in the morning and the rest of the day I drink bottled water and Green Tea. Some days I'll have 1 or 2 cups of coffee.Occassionally, I'll have some Special K Protein Water Mix in my water as flavoring and to keep me from "munching". It's amazing how much better I feel having gotten off the Diet Soda.

Anonymous said...

Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Water. A lot of the first two, not enough of the last one.

pampalmer7 said...

I have to have coffee in the morning. Usually two "latte-sized" cups each day. I have a Diet Coke at lunch and then water the rest of the day. Usually water or DC at dinner too.

My weekends tend to be about the same as my weekdays, except that I add a few spirits into the mix :)

Anonymous said...

Coffee in the morning, an 8 oz Dr. Pepper with lunch. Water in the afternoon. A beer or wine occassionally in the evening.

Anonymous said...

1 lg diet coke
1 lg hot tea
several glasses of water...

Anonymous said...

I drink bottled water throughout the day. With dinner I'll have some wine or maybe a caffine free diet coke or diet sprinte.

cincin21 said...

I start the Day with Coffee .... usually 2 mugs. Then move into icewater for the rest of the day. Since I have been "sick" I have also been drinking hot green tea quite a bit.

Sometimes I like to drink sparkling water with lemon during the day, too.

On Fridays ... I like BEER!