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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Question #657

Do you regularly do any of the puzzles in the newspaper? Do you buy books of puzzles to do? What kind do you like? Are you good at them?


Anonymous said...

While I like word puzzles, visual puzzles etc., I don't buy them or work them on a regular basis. My form of puzzles are really the model structure kits that I build, paint, weather and detail for my model railroad. Sort of a three dimensional puzzle. The other thing I like is making stained glass, using a pattern of connected pieces.

La said...

I have to be "in the mood". I suppose if I do it enough I might be better at it.

Anonymous said...

I regularly try to do crossword puzzles, but I don't think I'm that good at them. I stick to the medium difficulty ones.

cincin21 said...

I try the SUDOKU puzzles in the paper daily and I am getting better and better at them. Then I do the SCRABBLE in the paper ... then the NYTimes Crossword (which used to intimidate me but I have decided that Will Shortz has a twisted sense of humor which I admire!) and then the daily commuter crossword.

If I get all of those done, I sometimes do the word search puzzle, if I have time.

I do most of these while tutoring ...

Marsha (Totsie) gave me a book of SUDOKU puzzles for Christmas and I have really enjoyed it! Edited by Will Shortz!

Anonymous said...

I like the 'fill' in cross-word puzzles, where the list of words are provided and you have to make the words fit together. The ones with NUMBERS are my favorite! I do one or two daily.

I also like on-line computer cross words where you have a 'verify' button for the word you are trying to use.

I also love math questions like: In the bus there are: 7 girls with 7 backpacks each containing 7 large cats and each of the large cats have 7 small cats: how many legs are in the bus?

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy the difficult Crossword puzzles..on Sundays we get 3 in our paper. If I finish them all I do some of the other ones...sorry can't recall what there names are!