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Thursday, April 03, 2008

Question #672

When someone gives you a compliment, how do you handle it? Do you deny it?? Do you accept in warmly? Do you instantly compliment the person back someway?

What are your expectations when you compliment someone?


Anonymous said...

When someone gives you a compliment, how do you handle it? I'm usually embarassed.

Do you deny it?? Yes and no...Most of the time I ask back, why would I be any other way? (depends on the compliment)

Do you deny it?? Nope.

Do you accept in warmly? Yep.

Do you instantly compliment the person back someway? I try to find a good quality to compliment, if I can't think of one (HA!) I just say thank you.

What are your expectations when you compliment someone? A thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. Though I never thought so in my life, Elsa really gave the the 4-1-1 on this one. When one is complimented, one, with as much grace as can be mustered, says, "Thank you." and leaves it at that. If the person paying the compliment continues, one must continue the conversation but ends that topic as soon as possible.

I do enjoy compliments. They validate me. On the other hand when I pay a compliment, I feel it's best to follow the other person's lead. It's never a good thing to make someone else uncomfortable.

BTW, Cin, you're looking great these days! Those days at the gym with your hottie trainer are paying off! And PatR? You're looking marvelous! I guess I'm going to have to work hard on me now!


Anonymous said...

I accpet the compliment and reply with a 'Thank You!'. I can not control how others respond to my compliments of them and therefore have no expectations as to what they say.

cincin21 said...

See .... I am getting compliments at the gym from various ladies ... strangers to me, but we have been working out at the same times for months and months.

I LOVE getting the compliments, especially since the scale isn't all the complimentary ... but I'm not sure if I am expected to say "hey! You look great, too!! Good Job!!" if I honestly haven't noticed them?