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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Question #687

I know all of us are grateful for Family and Health and Friends .... please list 5 other things you are grateful for .....


Anonymous said...

Okay, I am going to be practical today.


2)Indoor Plumbing

3) Central Heat and Air

4) Technology - I/M, E-mail, Internet, cell phones

5) And a Good Nights Sleep

Lanette said...

First and foremost I am grateful for my salvation. My childrens health and(grandsons). The God given talent to make people look better and feel better about themselves. My friends. And last but not least my very large family that I can call on at anytime.

Anonymous said...

1. freedom

2. a rewarding career

3. warm, loving friends

4. technology

5. mani/pedis

In no particular order or importance!

pampalmer7 said...

I'm going with patr on the practical side for my number one...electricity. After spending 2 days without it after the last storm, I've learned to be very grateful for it! I'm also thankful for my incredible, wonderful, amazing, second-to-none husband, my job and the fantastic people that I work with, my daughter and her beautiful spirit and the opportunity and ability to help abused/neglected/discarded animals in DFW.

Side note: I'm picking up and fostering a Great Dane tomorrow that only weighs 71 pounds...she should weigh 140...there is not one ounce of fat and you can see all of her bones. Poor sweet baby.

Anonymous said...

1. Modern Medicine that permits me to breath during this allergy infested season!

2. My dog Gina, whose undying loyalty and unconditional love is a model for myself and the world at large. She stokes my salvation in that she is one of Gods creatures - and simply loving.

3. I have always appreciated Electricity. If you really want to know I'll bend your ear as too why if you ask me.

4. Hot Water

5. Refrigerators of all kinds that keep me cool to keep my food stable so that I don't undergo terrible stomach pains due to eating stale foods.

cincin21 said...

1) Electricity is a good choice ... along with A/C and lights at night and all the comforts which require it!

2) My Car!! Which runs fine and is paid for!!

3) Spring!! It is so beautiful outside!

4) Signing up for the gym and finding Brandon ... really enjoying the whole work-out thing ...

5) Having my own business and the success it is having.