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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Question #690

How many bird calls do you recognize? Can you hear birds in the morning where you are?


Anonymous said...

A few calls such as a loon, whiperwill, mockingbird. We have more birds now than when we moved in 5 years ago. As we add more trees, plants and things they are coming around more and more. Also see an occasional white or blue herring.

Lanette said...

Doves are about the lonely one I know. Doves build Condos in my back yard. The big black birds won't leave them alone.

Anonymous said...

Okay, here goes, I can recognize several: grackles, mockingbirds, mourning doves, whiporwills. Oh, I can recognize a loon and a red tailed hawk and screech owl. I think that's it.

Anonymous said...

The only Birdcalls I recognize are the birdcalls I do myself. I don't know the what type of birds they are. I can hear the birds in the morning.

pampalmer7 said...

I don't recognize a single bird call, but I love to hear them talking in the mornings. It's great to sit in the backyard with a cup of coffee in the early Saturday morning hours and just hear the birds and all of the other critters waking for the day! We are right next to a lake and have several geese and ducks that call out to each other as the sun comes up. It's pretty cool to me!

cincin21 said...

I recognize Cardinals, Blue Jays, Mockingbirds, Mourning Doves, Ducks and Geese, Bob-whites, Kildeers, red-wing-blackbirds, owls of various types .... etc.

We only get to hear the birds if the windows are open ... and I love being able to have the windows open!!

Anonymous said...

18 and still counting:

Blue Jay
Sea Gull
Cardinal (makes a Thwack sound as the bat connects with the ball….. Just teasing, its baseball season)
King fisher

And yes, I have several mocking birds and sparrow's in our area. Plus, scissor tails, king fishers, hawks, falcons, buzzards and a black bird that has red on it's wings. I can not remember what they are called, but they are beautiful. I miss having a bird bath and feeder in the back yard, but the wonder beagles eat the bird seed.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot Turkey.....

See, I'm still counting and missed several that was posted already....

I love our feathered friends.
