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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Question #428

John Edwards' wife's Cancer has become terminal. It IS going to kill her. What do you think about his decision to continue his run for the Democratic Presidential Nomination?

For further info read: Article


Anonymous said...

On the one hand, shew wants as normal a life going forward as she can get, and who can blame her for that?

On the other hand, nothing about their lives is normal - especially as he is running for President.

He has no chance of winning the nomination or the election, so my guess is that he will pull out of the race before 2007 is over, and concentrate on time with her and his young kids.

I think they made the decision too soon and should have mulled it over for a month or so.

cincin21 said...

Ahhhhh .... this is one of those "hard" questions that no one wants to answer ....

I think they need to go into an oncology ward of any hospital and visit people in end-stage cancer ... I don't think either of them have any idea the enormity of the battle ahead of them.

If he truly loves his wife and family he should quit the race NOW. He should then take all the money he was going to spend on the presidential bid and TRAVEL with his wife and kids ... go places, do things, make FAMILY memories. Or stay at home and play board games with his wife and kids ... do lots fo FUN STUFF with his wife and kids!!

In 4 years time, she will be gone ... and there will be yet another election ... and public sympathy for the young widower might even give him the needed edge then.


Anonymous said...

I have to agree Cin, life is too precious to waste it and I speak from experience here. The time, albeit not nearly enough, that I spent with my mother in the later stages of her cancer were priceless to me.

Anonymous said...

The logical thing to do would be make time for family, but hey this is POLITICS!, and it overrules all normal logical thinking. The best thing about Edward's running is that some votes might be taken away from HC and cause her to NOT win the nomination.

But for his children's future he needs to step down NOW.

Anonymous said...

Firstly - the latest I saw on TV about Edwards wife was that the cancer had moved to a rib bone, but TV made it seem that her condition was livable. I am saddened to read that she is terminal. I know bone cancer is one of the worst, but again TV made her condition seem controlable. Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention.

I concur that Edwards will most likely remove himself from the race, OR he and his wife have spoken and come to the conclusion that they will use this as a pity-party vote situation. Either way they both have a very tough battle ahead of themselves.

The Democratic party has utilized sick people, or people in wheelchairs for their political gain on more than one occasion. Most noteable was Christopher Reeve's appearance at the DNC for Clinton's second go at President. The movie 'Born on the 4th of July' shows Ron Kovic a wheelchair Ex-Vietnam Veteran speaking at the 76' Democratic National Convention. It wouldn't surprise me in the least that the Demo's will use sick people for political gain, afterall they are savy bottom feeders, whereas I'll concede Republicans are just plain dumb.