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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Question #508

From "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D

Q #40

If the person you were engaged to marry had an accident and became a paraplegic, would you go through with the marriage or back out of it?


Anonymous said...

Well whether I would GO ahead with the marriage BACK out, I would think that my fiance probably would have trouble following.....

Okay, I know its early, but the question just struck me as funny this morning.

I would like to think that I would go through with the marriage because its the person that you love. However, its a little like combat, I don't know how I would react until faced with the situation.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this would be a life altering experience for both parties involved and with any life altering experience, views, perceptions and personalities tend to change, so while the romantic would say "Of course" the practical person would have to slow down for some evaluation.

Anonymous said...

follow up: my opinion is the same married or not....if we were already married, we would still have to go through the soul searching.

La said...

I would love to think I would be happy to stay.
Events like this change people. Maybe the person turns into a real ars or maybe they are still loving. Maybe they push me away or maybe they want me to stay. Hard to answer.

Rant Master said...

Depends - if she has lots of money from an insurance settlement, or if her Dad owns a liquor store - I would marry her.

All seriousness aside - if I was willing to marry her before the accident, I would be willing to marry her after it.

Anonymous said...

I would go ahead with the marriage. I love for Spirit first. Although I can't deny the physical part of a marriage, it is something I can overlook.

If the person is brain dead, thats a different story, but then again how can you marry a brain dead person.

I feel for Terry Schiavo and her husband because of the situation. Her family put the brankrupt husband through hell just because they wanted to keep her alive despite massive brain injury that rendered her blind and deaf.

Totsie Tales said...


This exact thing happened to a dear friend...someone I loved as a brother. It was heartbraeking to see his fiance leave him. He was devistated by the accident, but the depths to which he fell because this woman left him was beyond what I could do to anyone. I would like to think I have the strength of character and love to stay.

Anonymous said...

without question i would stay. in sickness and in health does not mean from the date of the marriage forward, it means from the time of the committment forward.

Anonymous said...

I would go through with it. I think if you love someone enough to commit to marry them for life, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, etc., then those vows begin before you start down the aisle (unless you find out the guy is a child molester or is a wife beater or murderer or something heinous like that). It will be tough, but marriages are tested by all sorts of things.

Gretchen said...

The Dive From Clausen's Pier is about this very thing. Good book

cincin21 said...

Very tough question ... I would move the wedding date and stay with the guy through whatever re-hab is needed ...

If he becomes bitter ahd hateful during the rehab and emotionally abusive to me ... which is very possible .... then the wedding would be a No Go!

If however he maintains a positive outlook and a willingness to fight to recover his way of life, even from a wheelchair ... then I am there all the way ...

Caroline said...

pacific electric made a joke about it !!! LOL

La got me thinking, considering MORE than just the crippled part but how 'my other half' would react to it, affecting my decision.

Rant Master made me laugh (a liquor store, really!) and Cin you gave me a solution. So I copy your answer and today decide that you must give excellent relationship advice. Think ahead..