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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Question #507

From "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D

Q #39

Do your close friends tend to be older or younger than you?

What kind of people do you like to spend time with? What do such people bring out in you that others do not?

What can people learn about you by looking at your friends?


La said...

I haven't noticed a "tendancy" up to now. I guess now that I look at it ..younger.

I like to spend time with positive people. I am much more relaxed and positive around positive people. Complaining is stressfull and trying to pull someout out of "complaining" usually justs drags people down.

I don't have a ton of people I would call friends. I guess that tells me I'm picky.

Totsie Tales said...

Most of my friends average around the same age as me...some older, some younger. Right now I don't think you can tell much about me from my friends. They area varried group of people. I wander around several circles from raving party people to conservatives, so maybe you could say I'm psychotic?

Anonymous said...

I have a balanced mixture of older and younger friends.

I love spending time with people who I consider smart and wise. School smart is okay, but I really love those who are common sense life smart. I also enjoy smart banter that engages my mind.

I'm not sure what people would learn about me through friends.

Anonymous said...

Let's start with the last question and let it take care of the other two:

People would learn that I am erudite, very interesting, well rounded (figurately speaking - get it?), quite witty and charming. They would learned that I am strong willed leader that leads by example. I am compationate and have a good sense of humor. Essentially all of the traits that would well make my friends just love being in my presence.

Wow, I really need to cut down on the Diet Cokes.....

Anonymous said...

Oh they would also learn that I only phonetically spell Compassionate.


Anonymous said...

Do your close friends tend to be older or younger than you? -> Both and in equal proportions.

What kind of people do you like to spend time with? What do such people bring out in you that others do not? -> When I'm with friends that are truthful and honest that I care for very much we bring out the best in each other. Mostly it's all fun, but sometimes when they are helping you; or I'm helping them, you have to speak what you find to be your truth. This sometimes isn't what the other wants to hear, or experience. It's a judgement call as to whether or not it helps the other with their duress and vice versa.

What can people learn about you by looking at your friends? -> In a world of lies and spin, I hope that others learn that myself and my freinds have integrity, honesty and loyalty. I choose friends carefully. I hope to be there as much for them as they sometimes are there for to help me.

Rant Master said...

I would say my friends tedn to be about my age or a little younger.

I like upbeat, optimistic, fun-loving, intelligent people. Pessimistic people give me cramps in la cabeza.

Looking at my friends might make people thing I have a solid positive outlook on life - which I do.

Anonymous said...

When I was in High School, I generally got along better with older friends. Now I have friends that are older and younger.

I like to spend time with positive people, fun people, people that can make me laugh, people that I can make laugh, people that I can have meaningful conversations with or people to just "hang out with" and do nothing.

Never thought about that question. I don't hang out with thugs so I guess it doesn't really matter! LOL