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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Question #512

From "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D

Q #44

You are offered $1,000,000 for the following act: Before you are ten pistols - only one of which is loaded. You must pick up one of the pistols, point it at your forehead, and pull the trigger. If you can walk away you do so a millionaire.

Would you accept the risk?


La said...

Oh right, I won't even drive on the freeway most days. NOT!

Anonymous said...

NO! No were I to choose a person (of my choice) to aim the gun and pull the trigger maybe!....I'm not happy with certain co-workers today.

Anonymous said...

not just no, but hell no. my family can provide more happiness than a million dollars can.

Rant Master said...

Not only NO, but HELL NO!

Anonymous said...

When HELL freezes over!!

Totsie Tales said...

When you've lost anyone...even a pet, you learn how precious life is. This is a no brainer...NO

Caroline said...

No F'ing Way would I even be in the same room with ten guns.

cincin21 said...

WOW!!! I had no idea how many people would say no!!

You have a 90% chance of becoming a Millionaire!

If I had to point a gun at my forehead, I would be shaking ... if I had the bad luck to select the one gun out of 10, maybe I could get the bullet to just graze the surface??

Just a thought!

Anonymous said...

Actually I would take the chance. I would choose a pistol and point it at the person who is to award me a million dollars and say "Do you feel lucky?" Hand me the million or you die.

Can't believe none of you thought of this angle.