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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Question #526

From "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D

Q #58

A good friend pulls off a well-conceived practical joke that plays on one of your foibles and makes you look ridiculous. How would you react?

Bonus Q: How forgiving are you when your friends let you down?


cincin21 said...

These seem like two very different questions to me ....

The practical jokester would probably get a laugh from me as well as from all involved ... as long as it was a foible of mine of which everyone was already aware. What can I say? I have foibles! Might as well laugh!

As for the forgiving of friends who let me down. I am fairly forgiving of being let down .... I guess it kind of depends on how important to me the situation was. However ... if there is intended MEANESS in the situaton, the forgiveness is harder to come by.

Rant Master said...

I hope I would laugh at myself - but my friends know better than to do ANYTHING to make me look ridiculous - RIGHT???

When someone is your friend, part of that is being forgiving, so in most cases I will forgive.

Anonymous said...

I would agree. You have to be able to laugh at your own foibles or it is going to be a very long life.

I nearly always forgive my friends of their foibles as well.

Anonymous said...

I'd just luagh it off. If you can't laugh at yourself in good health then what can't you do for yourself?

Anonymous said...

The question states "good friend" so my answer is that I would laugh at myself and enjoy it, but still plot my revenge because my friends usually supply good fodder.....

I'm pretty forgiving to a fault....

Totsie Tales said...

This happens often to me. I tend to be a spaz. I laugh, then I try to work on the think people made fun of.

When a friend lets me down, I have to make a decision: will I accept this as part of who they are or not? Friendship is acceptance, so I accept who they are, failures and all, and keep liking them.