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Thursday, August 04, 2005

Question #37

Question #137 from "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D.

Do you find it so hard to say "NO" that you regularly do favors you do not want to do?

Explain ....


cincin21 said...


I used to have that problem ... a long time ago ... when I was single and childless .... but now I even try to avoid putting myself into the position where I might be asked to do something!!

Anonymous said...

I did have that problem for a long long time but I learned that I must take care of myself first, before I can be able to help others without restraints.

This is difficult for me as I have always wanted to do "everything" for everybody.

I thought I was Wonder Woman but found out that I certainly am not. LOL

Anonymous said...

I used to...thank goodness I got over that. Now, I just say NO. I volunteer for the things I have a passion for and work hard for several charities I support...but favors outside of that. No.

Anonymous said...

yes ...sigh

The frustrating part is I am constantly asked to cover for other people at work, and then I end up having to turn down my own clients when they want the same time.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No. I used to but I've gotten very good at saying no. Occasionally I'll still have a weak moment (mostly when it's someting I really don't want to do but feel guilty about not doing) but for the most part it's not a problem.

Judy said...

I tend to say yes to too much stuff, but it all works out in the end...I'm better about it now that I have two boogers to contend with - my time is very precious these days!

eubulus said...

Yes. My wife has a standing order to chastize me if I start to offer. Whatever it is, it always takes longer or is harder than anticipated.

Patrick said...

No. If I can help them, I will just say yes.

Anonymous said...

I used to have a huge problem in that area. Then I got "burned out" and over extended. I still have a tendency to towards saying "yes", but I'm much more particular and realistic about what I can and cannot do. It usually involves some type of volunteerism for one of kids and I even though I may not always WANT to do it, I see the value in it and end up feeling better that I did it. I just pace myself better now.

Caroline said...

i am so tired of saying YES but oh well it is just how my life IS and dammit it sucks but that is just the way it is. i say yes to people who always say yes to me and then i also say it to my husband who rarely says yes but me saying yes to him puts him in a nicer mood and in the long run gets me what i want and well he takes good care of me so that is my excuse. but sometiems i just want to say """""F""""" no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!