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Monday, August 22, 2005

Question #49

Question #74 from "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D.

Would you enjoy spending a month of solitude in a beautiful natural setting? Food and shelter would be provided but you would not be allowed to see nor communicate with any other people.

Explain ....


Anonymous said...

A few years ago I did just this - I went on an extended hike that was days basically days of solitude. It was exactly what I needed at the time.

Now is another story. I would not want to do anything for an extended period that did not include my family. I really enjoy their company, and get much more out of them being around than I would just beibng by myself.

So, not thanks.

cincin21 said...

A year ago I would have said "Can I leave NOW??" Bring it on!

But right now I am in a really nice place in my life ... I actually have some solitude each day .... and stresses are at a very minimum ... it is really, really nice.

I am also very fond of the people I see on a daily basis ... I would miss seeing them and communicating with them.

Anonymous said...

I would simply love this as I love nature and would study the birds, animals, bugs,snakes, plants, trees, flowers, explore the waters, the fish, turtles, gators, aquatic life and certainly enjoy this.

I would have much to keep me busy and no time to miss the fast paced world. A month would pass very quickly.

With all this beauty - I would not need to communicate with any other people.

BUT, with my Allergies....BLAH !!!!
Curt and I used to go camping frequently in our RV but haven't been able to since 2003. @;(

eubulus said...

Nope. Gotta be glued to my wife.

Anonymous said...

Yes, can I leave right now?

Anonymous said...

If I could bring books to read I would. I have to have something to do or I'd go nuts, but as long as I had something to do, I'd love it.

Anonymous said...

Done just that many times. It is SO VERY Freeing!

Laura said...

Oh, my gosh! Can you imagine? A month with only your right brain and left brain to dual it out? No Way! Didn't anyone see Castaway? Unless you set a challenge to meditate under a tree all day...

Can I leave myself behind as well?

How about having all the chocolate you want, without gaining weight?

Anonymous said...

oh heck yes