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Monday, August 15, 2005

Question #44

Question #9 from "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D.

Would you accept $5,000,000 to leave the United States of America and never step foot in it again?

Explain ....


cincin21 said...


America is the greatest country in the world. It is my home. I would hate to be denied access to my home. I don't think there would be enough money to bribe me to do that.

People are sacrificing everything to get to this country ... legally and illegally ...

There are many countries in this world that I believe I might enjoy living in for a time .... but to be denied access to the USA ... no way!!

Anonymous said...

Nope - definitely not. This country is my home. I want to (and have) travel to other countries, and I may even live outside the US for a period of time, but there is no amount of money that would make me give up this country.

Anonymous said...

Considering how well we defend our border to the south...I'm very tempted to say yes to this offer knowing full well I could sneak back in...however, being the honest person I am, I guess I have to say that no amount of money is worth exile from the good ole US of A!

Anonymous said...

No. I would have to leave my friends and family. My loved ones and the place I call home. It is not worth the money....of course, if I had 5 mill, I could always fly them to see me in Ireland....

Anonymous said...

Yes, absolutely. Where is my money and my ticket to Germany?

Anonymous said...

I've actually had this delima in my past. At one time I was the only person who had access to $2,000,000,00. I planned my escape. I couldn't do it.

Kevin Blight said...

I will take the money but I guess i'll invest it somewhere, where i'll get maximum returns, whether USA or India. I'm an Indian.

Judy said...

I'd have to say yes, I would. I have family in Europe and would love love love to live near my uncle.

Anonymous said...

no i dont think so

Anonymous said...

Heck Yes! In a heartbeat. I'm not that loyal to this country, and I can think of 5 countries off the top of my head that would very suitable replacements.
My husband and children agree that would find ourselves very happy elsewhere.
Sure, I would miss my Mother, brothers, nieces and girlfriends - but for that kind of money I could bring them out whenever they wanted!
Some of them would probably relocate with me!