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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Question #45

Question #17 from "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D.

I have never asked this question in my classes .... I figured EVERY student would say NO ... so I am curious how ya'll will respond to this one ...

Would you be willing to become extremely ugly physically if it meant you would live for 1,000 years at any physical age you chose?

Explain ....


Anonymous said...

As long as my wonderful wife can accompany me on this longevity trip, I say YES! I want to see what happens over the next millenium.

cincin21 said...

I notice you didn't say "lovely" wife, my dear Bronco. In this day and age, people put so much value in looking good!! Billions of dollars every year are spent to the search for neverending beauty!!

But Bronco does have a point ... if you are ugly ... and you have someone who loves you truly to spend the next 1000 years with ... it might be interesting ....

Anonymous said...

Who would want to live a thousand years - beautiful, ugly or otherwise?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm thinking I will be pretty contented with the time I have. I wouldn't want to live longer without those I love.

Anonymous said...

Once again...I refer to our handy hollywood "historicals"...ever seen Highlander? forever...carrying the burden of loved ones deaths and tradegies of war. It seems that our average lifespan is just the perfect length of time to be able to cope with the sadnesses of the world.

I'm happy with the time I have!

Anonymous said...

No! I don't wanna be any uglier than I am and who wants 1000 years of problems?

Anonymous said...

yes, i don't consider myself attractive anyway, so the ugly part wouldn't really be much of a change. i would like to have the time and the energy to fully immerse myself in the long-term research necessary to do something truly beneficial for the world.

Judy said...

Nah, I'm no knockout model by any stretch of the imagination, but I'd just as soon live my life and be done with it - better things ahead!