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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Question #242

Today is the Summer Solstice ... the first day of Summer ... and the longest Daylight of the year ...

Do you notice if your mood changes as the amount of daylight changes? Are you happier in the Spring and Summer .... and more melancholy in the Winter?


Anonymous said...

it's called seasonal depression

Anonymous said...

Yeap, got that seasonal depression, cabin fever, whatever you want to call it. I don't mind the long daylight hours so much as the killing heat here in Texas.

Anonymous said...

I am with Hugh - I dislike the heat more than I dislike dark. I have always enjoyed winter and have not gotten depressed about it. But then, I ma not a depressive sort - I wake in a good mood every day and things just get better from there.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Anon and Hugh, the correct term is "Seasonal Affective Disorder". According to the DSM and the AMA, and all those other medical initials, it's recogized by seasonal depression.

I do better in Spring and Summer. The heat is good to me--must be a cultural thing: I find most really white folk, like my very pink late husband, seem to melt when the weather turns truely "Texas". On the other hand people like me: "The 'Cans" tend to do okay with the heat. Don't get me wrong, I do love my A/C, but I'm okay peeling because of the heat; there not enough clothes and blankets and socks and sweaters and mufflers and gloves and coats and long underware for me in winter. Sun, sand, and surf revive me and give me a peace that lets me know that I'm loved by the Lord.

Anonymous said...

YOU JUST HAD TO GO AND DO IT !@#@$%^&*()))__))((*&^%%%$$ THAT LONGEST
OFF FOR THE COFFEE SHOP IN THE MORNING. $$##@#%%^&&*(()^%$#!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have never been affected by Cabin Fever or Seasonal Affective Disorder as it is now being called. Having been born and raised in Florida, and now living in Texas, there are only two seasons: Hot or Hot and Wet, of course for Texas lately the Wet part has been questionable at best. I lived for about eight years in Maine where you have a more distinct four seasons of the year. For my money, I love the four seasons best of all. Each season brings new sights, sounds, smells and experiences to relish. Each season as it progresses has its issues that people either like or dislike and as each season comes to a close it is a harbinger of the next season. Can you tell I am a guy who doesn't mind change?

There is a great story in the movie Parenthood when the grandmother describes her view of life after 80 something years to Steve Martin & Mary Steinbergen. She says she likes to ride the Rollercoaster when she goes to the amusement park. Always the rollercoaster, because you go up and down and round curves and you never quite know what to expect on the ride. It is thrilling! The other rides, they just go around.

Definitely prefer the coaster myself. Of course I would, its on tracks!

Anonymous said...

it is harder for me to wake up during the winter.

Anonymous said...

Your in Texas when:
Seasons: Almost summer -- summer -- still summer but with football -- Christmas

You've had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day

100 degrees is a tad warm

A cool snap (below 70 degrees) is good chili weather.

And a good parking spot is not in relation to the location, but to the shade.

Yes, I have "Seasonal Affective Disorder".... with this Texas heat...if you want to call it that...but alas, I live here for other reason than the weather...Just too hot to remember them at the moment....

Anonymous said...

One last comment on Texas seasons:

The wind blows at 90 mph from Oct 2 till June 25, and then it stops totally until October 2. (except this year, it stopped on about June 1!)

Anonymous said...

I'm actually happiest in the fall and prefer the short days over the long days. I prefer the heat over the cold though, so I guess there's no pleasing me. LOL

cincin21 said...

I do suffer from SADD ... I am much happier with lots of sunlight ... however, the heat does get to me ... thank goodness for A/C!!

BUT ... there is such a thing as "too much of a good thing" ... when we were in Europe a couple of summers ago, it didn't get dark until after 11:00 at night ... and then the sun came up again at 4:00am ... I thought that was a bit too much sunlight. I would not do well at all in the winter months there with just a couple of hours of daylight.