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Monday, September 25, 2006

Question #303

Are the stars at night big and bright where you live?

Do you recognize any stars or constellations on sight?


Anonymous said...

Yes, we live in the country with very little ambient light at night so we can see stars and constellations quite easily. Big Dipper, Little Dipper, North Star, Orion, Caseopeia, Taurus, The Pleades, to name a few.

Anonymous said...

Yes,I can see stars and recognize constelations. This summer in the greater DFW area the extreme heat meant that the humidity was low. When this occurs the constellations closest to the ground can be seen easily. This summer at times it was easy to see Scorpio, Libra and Saggitarius close to the horizon quite clearly. The Summer constellations that appear at zenith are Cynus the Swan and Lyra the Lute. If you know where to look within these constellations you can see planetary nebula (Ring Nebula) and Double Stars (Albiero in Cygnus).

Anonymous said...

But of course, I live in Texas. I can recognize the dippers, but that is about all.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pretty much. We live across from an Elementary School and a few years ago they installed enormous Security lights and that has hampered some of our star gazing ability. Before that, it was really amazing. We could readily see both Dippers, Orion, Scorpio,etc. Sometimes we get out the telescope for a closer look if we hear of something special happening. We see a lot of shooting stars.

cincin21 said...


And I want STARS!!!

I want stars like you can see in west Texas ... or on a Colorado mountain top ... I want to see shooting stars and the Milky Way ...

I miss stars ....