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Monday, October 08, 2007

Question #554

From "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D

Q #86

How do you picture your funeral? Is it important for you to have people mourn your death?


Rant Master said...

I would like to think that I have enough positive effect in saome people that I will be mourned when I am gone, but who knows? Some people may come to my funeral to dance on my grave.

I would prefer a party in my honor - have people who want to celebrate my life come and raise a glass, tell a story about me, whatever. I will be there - in my urn.

Anonymous said...

Lots of laughing, hugging, toasting and a little crying, but much more laughing. And, this is important to me, everyone should be wearing BRIGHT colors! It is not so important that people mourn me, but that I have added to thier lives and they carry that on with them after I'm gone. That to me is immortality.

Carly said...

I've always been under the impression that I've been a rather forgettable person, so I don't think my funeral will be a big one. I hope that the people who do come will celebrate my life more than mourn my death.

I'd love for my favourite songs to be played, and if there is a reception, I want my favourite food to be served!

cincin21 said...

I want there to be a big party with lots of beer drinking and laughter and hugging and eating and stories and more laughter.

Celebrate my life!! And if Robbie and Tom are around ... hug them lots and help them ...

Anonymous said...

Party till you drop!

Anonymous said...

Hire a good Jazz Band and play me home and party.