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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Question #560

From "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D

Q #92

Is there something you've dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven't you done it?

Is it better to have dreams that will never come to pass, or to have no dreams at all?

How much better would your life be if the things you dream of doing or having were granted to you?


Anonymous said...

Yes, to open the Model Railroad History Museum. Actually I am working towards that goal, collecting model railroads as I go.


I don't know about having my dream granted to me, while it would make it easy, I would then have to find a new dream to pursue. Life is about pursuit, mankind's very existence has been about pursuit.

Put another way, Life is the journey, not the destination.

Anonymous said...

Be a Mommy

Well, long story, won't go into here.

Oh, we have to have dreams (or goals)....

Granted? as in gifted? Isn't life much fuller with accomplishments you achieve on your own?

Rant Master said...

Having dreams is necessary to life well lived - it is the pursuit of those dreams that counts.

That said, you have to able to differentiate between a dream and a fantasy (get your mind right PEF, the Raiders will NEVER win the Super Bowl again - THAT is a definite fantasy).

Anonymous said...

Yes, too go into outer space, or more correctly orbit the earth. It is presently too expensive. In our macroscopic world it is easy to forget just how small the planet is relative to the universe, let alone us on it.

So small are we, yet even a smaller object, our brain, tries it's best to understand the world around it, and few people ponder the universe until they see a Hubble Space Telescope image.

It is yet another example of the small-large scale comparison, an example of which is the quark (sub atomic energy field) versus the universe. Both exist, work in harmony, and both are totally dependent upon each other to make us and planet we live on.

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to sing....with a band. I haven't done it because I can't carry a tune in a basket....or so I've been told! LOL

It's always better to dream. Dreams equal Hope.

Depends on the dream I suppose. If somone's lifelong dream was to cure cancer and it was granted to them, then I think that would be awesome! But perhaps my dream of being a singer clashed with my "destiny" to be a Mom and wife and raise two children (who hopefully contribute something significant to society) and work with my husband helping families with disabled children....not such a good payoff.

Anonymous said...

Dreams are necessary to a fulfilled life. You have to want something. I want to learn to quilt and play the piano. Those are the dreams I have for retirement in addition to traveling to several places in the world.