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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Question #555

From "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D

Q #87

Which of the following restrictions could you best tolerate: Leaving the USA permanently, or never leaving the state in which you now live?


Anonymous said...

Neither! I do not do well with boundaries, never have. But if I had to choose one, it would be Leaving the USA permanently since I would have the whole rest of the world to travel and live in.

Anonymous said...

I agree with PEF. I love to travel too much! So, I would have to permanently exit the USA.

On the other hand though, seeing how BIG TEXAS is, if I were restricted to never leave it, I would still have lots of land to explore.

Anonymous said...

If I had to choose between the two, I'd choose the latter. At least my family lives here.And everyone else could come and visit me! LOL

Rant Master said...

I do not like either choice. But, If I have to choose, I pick not leaving this state - leaving the US permanently is not an option.

Anonymous said...

Hard choice. There are places in the world I love...Munich, Florence, London, Lido di Spina, Montserrat, Acapulco, and etc. But to leave US? For good? My heart is here in Texas, but I do have to breathe. Don't think I could do either.