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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Question #564

From "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D

Q #95

If by sacrificing your life you could contribute so much to the world that you would be honored in all nations, would you be willing to do so? If so, would you make the same sacrifice knowng that someone you thoroughly disliked would receive the honor while you went unrecognized?


Rant Master said...

I would sacrifice my life for others - like my loved ones, but not to be "honored" across the world.

It is my opinion that most of the people in the world, and especially the people and organizations who would "honor" me for a sacrifice, have no honor and do not understand the concept.

After all, Al Gore just won the Nobel Peace prize for goodness sake!

Anonymous said...

Ditto to Rant Master - sacrifice in the sense we are talking about is a selfless act of love, commitment and devotion to the ones we love and care about and to our deepest held beliefs and while it may be glorified by those left behind, glorification was not the object sacrificer sought.

Anonymous said...

I don't care about the honoring thing, so it wouldn't matter if I got the honor or someone else. Well wait, I wouldn't want some HORRIBLE person to get the honor, but yet, it if benefited the world...

Oh well, I probably would not make the sacrifice anyway....I'm too chicken and too cynical....Some person would tell me "Hey, if you die all of human kind will benefit?" I'm just not going to believe them. Makes for good Cinema however.....

Anonymous said...

I would do it...without the honor! But as patr said, I would like to be certain there actually would be a benefit (and not "someone" trying to collect on my Life Insurance! Just kidding!)

Totsie Tales said...

Nope. For the most part honors are hollow acknowledgements for whatever. If I sacrifice my life for those I love and charish, they will know what I gave, no one else matters.